Our Programs

IKABUHI Microfinance Program (IMP)

We create opportunities for self-employment and provides credit access to enterprising poor women

Products and Services


A savings product that allows members to easily create their own secure bank account without the normal hurdles and requirements needed by most commercial banks. This enables members to save based on their available capacity, so that they can prepare funds for times of necesity


Regular Project Loan

Regular Project Loan

A support service that ensures the protection of low-income enterprising mothers and their families against specific perils and other unforeseen risks involved.

Small Business Loan (SBL)

Small Business Loan

A new loan product with flexible terms designed to accommodate IMP enterprising members who need to loan more than the regular project loan amount offered to be used as additional capital for their income generating businesses.

WaSH Loan

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

This loan product helps enable IMP members to access funds to improve their water sanitation, and hygiene facilities at home.




An affordable insurance product that we offer for members and their households. This services as safety net that aims to ease family financial burdens when events such as death, injury, or catastrophes affect our members.

Loan Insurance

Loan Insurance

A single premium payment product that provides financial cover for the family and co-borrowers of a member, in the case of untimely demise of the principal borrower.

Social Services

Business Development Program

Business Development Program

Livelihood Training

Education Scholarship Program (ESP)

Education Scholarship Program (ESP)

SAC (Sports, Arts and Culture) LYLP (Life-Youth Leadership Program)



Health and Disaster Risk Reduction Management (HDRRM) Medical Mission CHASA (Community Health and Safety Advocacy Training) CDPMP (Community Disaster Preparedness and Management Program Community Service)

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LifeBank Microfinance Foundation, Inc. is a non-stock and non-profit organization engaged in micro-financing initiatives that advance comprehensive and sustainable development in rural and urban areas through integrated social services. We are a major catalyst in breaking the chains of poverty in the Philippines.

LifeBank Microfinance Foundation, Inc. © Copyright 2021