Education Scholarship Program (ESP)


LifeBank Foundation Inc. Education Scholarship Program (ESP) aims to provide livelihood skills (bachelor or vocational degree) to deserving dependents of Ikabuhi Microfinance Program (IMP) clients; the program financially supports IMP members for their children’s education. This program can help qualified scholars to acquire good academic preparation, self-development, and broad career opportunities. Soon, qualified scholars can improve their family’s economic and financial status.

The program started in June 2013 in Luzon, having 65 initial scholars in Bulacan State University (BuLSU) and Bulacan  Polytechnic College. The program received an overwhelming response from LBF staff, IMP members, and members’ children resulting in extending the program to other State Universities and Colleges throughout the country where LBF branch offices are located. 

Program Goal

To support quality and holistic education for LifeBank members’ children

Program Objectives:

  • To financially support the education of poor but deserving IMP members’ children.

  • To help improve the socio-economic status and financial capacity of selected IMP members’ families.

  • To assist in developing the IMP members’ dependents’ capacities to their full potential through quality education and training by skills enhancement training, discipline and good moral values.
  • To link members’ dependents to value-added jobs that will enable them to become productive and contributing members of society. 

  • To link members’ dependents to formidable institutions that will further capacitate and develop their knowledge and skill thereby, enabling them to become productive members of the community.

Scholarship Qualifications


  • Joserie Caspe June 28, 2023

    How to avail scholarship?

  • JANA January 8, 2024

    Pls let me be part of this foundation i badly need this scholarship po

  • Jehiela Nirel Baslag May 27, 2024

    How to apply for scholarship in your foundation in this upcoming school year?

  • Ashley Fuentes June 10, 2024

    How to avail in life Bank foundation scholarship?

  • Ashley Fuentes June 10, 2024

    How to apply my daughter here in the scholarship of lifebank?

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LifeBank Microfinance Foundation, Inc. is a non-stock and non-profit organization engaged in micro-financing initiatives that advance comprehensive and sustainable development in rural and urban areas through integrated social services. We are a major catalyst in breaking the chains of poverty in the Philippines.

LifeBank Microfinance Foundation, Inc. © Copyright 2021